Monday 8 December 2014

Sex and Cancer


Big thank you to Tania for plying me with wine after a visit to GP today to talk about sex.  It's one of those taboo subjects that doesn't get talked about when going through cancer.  Now I am out the other side we thought yay, it's all go.  But unfortunately not.  So if you don't want to know, stop reading now.  You know I am all about education so here goes...

The hormone pill I am on thins the vagina wall which makes for painful sex.  I can change to another hormone pill that thickens the lining of the uterus but can cause cancer. I can also have an estrogen cream which may help but has to be limited to six weeks as we don't want this to produce estrogen and feed any cancer.  The GP asked me is sex important to us, if so, then it is quality of life I am looking at.  He rang my oncologist and the above is what they could come up with.  If this doesn't help then where to from here.  So cancer is teaching me something else now and throwing me off centre.  You think when you have breast cancer it's all about the boobs, but alas no.

I came home to Wayne and the darling just said we will learn about different intimacy and loving.  Gotta love this guy.  He is being very patient.  When I was undergoing chemo they gave a suggestion not to have sex for three days after treatment.  We waited five days and still Wayne got chemo burns/welts in and on his private parts so something to consider...

So another lesson today...Do I want to die for sex...I don't think so!